On our way to Ingolstadt we stop in Neuburg:
At 10h our meeting point for the following activities in Neuburg is the green area directly at the Oskar-Wittmann-Straße near the Donauruderclub (coordinates: 48.73799670777411, 11.185732972858426):
- Joint Clean Up by: Aueninstitut Neuburg, Green Office KU, Lions Club Neuburg, Sustainability Campus Neuburg THI, Foodsharing Eichstätt. The route is planned towards the Hofgarten.
- Workshops by Cleandanube
At 13h follows the arrival of Prof. Fath. The Lord Mayor and the District Administrator will address him with words of greeting, the local Lions Club will present a cheque and the collected rubbish bags from the Clean Up will be presented. Refreshments will be provided and Prof. Fath will be available to answer questions from members of the press and passers-by.
At about 14h Prof. Fath will swim on to Ingolstadt.